Angular Best Practices
- Use ES6 features like let, const, arrow function
- Use trackby along with ngFor
- Use lazy loading
- Use index.ts file for shorter import
- use datatype, Avoid ‘any’ type
- Create own Data type using Interface
- Avoid memory leak by unsubscribing the observable also we can use Rxjs operator like takeUntil()
- Should use Async pipe
- Avoid logics in the template
- Use Environment variable for multiple server or API call configurations
- Use module structure
- Focus on small and reusable components
- Declaring a variable with ‘const’ if the value is not changing
- Use smart and dumb Components strategies
- Using immutability should use spread (…)operator
- safe navigation operator
- Use route guard on navigation
- Use AOT compilation
- Documentation in code like:-
/** * This is the get function * @param age This is the age parameter * @returns returns a string version of age */ function getAge(age: number): string { return age.toString(); }
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